“Innovative methods and uses of O.R. in health and care applications”
Guest Editors: Inês Marques, Derya Demirtas, Sebastian Rachuba, Christos Vasilakis
The special issue for the 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO) 2018 held in Valencia, Spain, is aiming at collecting high quality papers focused on “Innovative methods and uses of O.R. in health and care applications” for the Elsevier journal Operations Research for Health Care (https://www.journals.elsevier.com/operations-research-for-health-care).
Operations Research for Health Care focuses on the development and use of operations research in health and health care. The journal publishes high-quality operations research approaches to problems in health care from OR researchers and practitioners.
We encourage contributions with new and innovative methods and/or innovative uses of operations research methods in all areas of health and health care including:
- Public Health Policy
- Performance Evaluation
- Screening and Prevention
- Health Care Logistics and Supply Chains
- Health Care Resource and Capacity Planning
- Location Problems in Health Care
- Health Care Delivery
- Workforce Scheduling
- Patient and Appointment Scheduling
- Operating Room Planning and Scheduling
- Emergency Medical Systems
- Home Care and Long Term Care
- Disease Modeling and Policy
- Cancer Treatment Planning
- Infectious Diseases
We invite researchers to submit their work to this special issue as an opportunity for publishing in a high quality journal. Submitted papers should fulfill the scope and adhere to the guidelines of the journal (journal’s homepage). All papers will be peer-reviewed in accordance with the journal’s typical standards. All papers that are deemed suitable for publication following the review process will be accepted for publication (in other words there is no maximum number of papers that will be accepted as part of this special issue).
- Please submit your full papers for ORHC through https://www.evise.com/profile/#/ORHC/login
- Select the article type option for special issue from the drop down menu “Special Issue: EURO 2018”.
- Deadline for special issue submissions is 1 October 2018. The targeted date for publication is late 2019.
Guest editors
Inês Marques
Centre for Management Studies, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Derya Demirtas
Dept. Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Sebastian Rachuba
Schumpeter School of Business and Economics, University of Wuppertal, Germany
Christos Vasilakis
Centre for Healthcare Innovation & Improvement (CHI2), School of Management, University of Bath, UK